Giving your child the best start in life

  • First Floor, 10A Chandos Street London New Town W1G 9LE

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Teacher Details

Rabbi Ira Brawer

Founder & President


MS/Mphil degree, PhD degree



Rabbi since 1986.

Social Sharing


I was born and raised in New York City, I was raised very traditionally and attended an Orthodox shul growing up, I nevertheless turned from Judaism after my bar mitzvah and spent the next nearly 20 years making many mistakes and wrong choices in my life.

I married my best friend Gloria in 1982, and we have traveled on this journey together for the past 40 years. Then in 1984, after two years of searching and studying the Bible, I became convinced that Yeshua (Jesus) was the promised Messiah of Israel and the Nations.

32 years ago, God called us to move to Florida to plant Shlaom Boca Messianic Synagogue where we have served with joy ever since. We have 5 wonderful grown kids and 9 incredible grandkids. We count it a privilege to serve a community of followers of Yeshua who are serious about worshipping God, serving one another, and passing on a Godly heritage to the next generation.

What We Provide


Learning & Fun

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Healthy Meals

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Children Safety

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Cute Environment

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Varied Classes

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.


Full Day Sessions

Our goal is to carefully educate and develop children in a fun way. We strive learning process into a bright.

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Please continue on the Shalom Boca website to remit $50 registration fee per family. In the drop down options, choose Or Chayim. Shalom Boca Website Payments can also be made via Zelle using the email: [email protected]